Commences December 2019..
Jupiter...enters Earth sign Capricorn 12-2
Saturn / Pluto already there..
Yule / Solstice..Sun Capricorn..
Solar Eclipse over Christmas Capricorn.
A date ..with Divine Destiny is nigh.
The last timeline occurence of Saturn / Jupiter in tandem..1981-1982.
Jupiter was formerly in Capricorn in 2008.
Think back...what were your life priorities then?
#TheHolisticMystic Breath...Chi...Prana...Qi.. Life force stimulation When is the most recent Paused...& JUST exhaled...fully.. that deliberate pensive pause.. Then..intensely breathed in..!!!?? Exhaling current stressors.. Inhaling healing..soothing..fresh wind.. Bringing forth YOUR actual connection with THAT SACRED Source.. Yeah...Creator..Great Spirit..Divine Mystery.. That Supernatural Currency... That deemed you...WORTHY.. Worthy!! To allow YOUR Spirit self..the "Slip on Skin;" & walk on this Earth Mother for awhile. Breathing out..Breathing deeper in.. Resets ALL your vital life force systems. Reinforces that VITAL FLOW.. Restoring...Recalibrating..your VALUABLE connectivity with Divine Sources.
So.. During that heavy traffic of the drive home.. the the restaurant.. Just...let go ...remember..this reminder.. It's that SACRED WIND..Breath of Life.. Which animated you..Great Mystery.. Holy Ones...granted in unison with your Soul mission contract.. To arrive here...on school. Its soon to be the most life altering year since 1980.. 2020... When karmic planet (Saturn) is "one with" Jupiter ( The Fates) & Pluto ( soul mission) All in sign #Capricorn.. The #BigReveal.. Transformation year .. On our horizon Hint...of times to come.. Starts December 2nd 2019 as Jupiter enters hasn't transited this sign for 12 tears! Our Final Solar Eclipse of 2019.. Happens sign #Capricorn.. Over #Christmas 2019.. Expect Yule..Solstice 2019 to give specific clues...intuitive dream experiences..Divine to WHAT now is going to be changed. 2020...Year of Divine Direction.. ☆♡☆ IS..WOULD BE..a good idea to have your own Star Map Analysis done with me. Blessings...
New Year 2020
"Committed to the RIDE!"
Fate walks into our "material world " in 2020.
Sacred Lessons..Students of Soul..
Meant to be Divine Source "Guides.Teachers !"
This...IS..that timeline..the year to prioritize your Soul / Life Purpose..
Fate WILL SLAM shut certain doors..
Fling wide open other paths of Destiny
All that leave ..or enter your life in 2020...
Are "familiar" spirits...Deja Vu candidates.
Mystic Mary
Visionary Soul Coach
Celestial Compass