March 6th...March 22nd.
Mercury & Venus join Uranus in FIRE sign
The volcano within...ERUPTS!
Aries- Fire element...
Accidents..falls..breakage due to rushing.
Fast & Furious explosive eruptions accidents possible.
Caution advised in transit situations.
Vehicle highways/ Jet travel/ Cruises/explosive toxic scenarios can quickly occur.
Takes action
Rapid Fire!
Repressed / Supressed angers...
Allowing abusive behaviors from another or to yourself..or even YOU being abusive to someone or upon yourself; Aries planets now- March 6th...
Mercury / Venus / Uranus...
The Sun..March 22nd..
ERUPT those fires held within!
The SPIRIT in the mountain..the fire power..the burning lava will flow!
Scorching a path.
Exorcising your dark secretive behaviors or poisoning addictions!
March 23rd -March 27th..slow down in traffic!
Watch that sarcasm! !!!!
Big sudden (even chaotic) events occur..as the smoke clears....the true agendas!
Eruptions. ..Emotional volcanoes roar!
Lies exposed..
Deceptive tactics discovered, collateral damage...due to selfish...wrongful choices; now roars in!
Keep both your attitude & anger in check.
Reality check !!!!
March 16th-Mars enters Capricorn..
Mars is favored in Capricorn....now
"Fuels " Saturn & Pluto already in Capricorn.
Get "WOKE!"
Capricorn clashes with Aries..
Bad habits....behaviors EXPLODE.
Repercussions roller coaster!
March 20..Sun enters Aries
Spring Equinox
Nature waking up.
The Fire to aspire.
Your own "WAKE UP" alarm!!!!
Aries is the warrior...soldier..advocate for action!!!
Aries rules the head..face..brain.the 5 senses....
Eruptions of words..or upon the skin!
Burns...fevers...hot flash moments!!!
Your temper...is it self destructive?
New Moon- "Wishing Moon in Pisces"
St.Patrick's Day..
First Ascended Masters Moon of three..
March 31st / Blue Moon / Libra
The Christ's Ascension Moon.
Allowing the Supernatural Mercy & Grace to be imbued.
Compassion put into ACTION.
Addictions exposed, in order to get free.
It begins with you.
What behaviors you are supporting..
Does it serve you well?
2018 will bring it ALL UP for observation & analysis.
It's now a "Bliss"...or a "Bitch" of a year.
Know this..
The infamous piper comes for his due!
Fire purifies. ....burns away the old...
Forces one in its path to move away!
Move ON!!!!
FACE your dangerous impulses!!!
Summoning the warrior within...
Or the drums of War!!!
Choose better..
It's time!!!
Mystic Mary